- Services
MTCP Company started Testing, Adjusting, Balancing & Commissioning for HVAC Systems in 2004. TAB department have qualified & experience personnel engaged in Testing, Adjusting & Balancing works since their early of career, MTCP personnel are familiar with the procedural standards for Testing, Adjusting and Balancing of Environmental system.
MTCP TAB sector possess a full range of TAB instruments recommended by AABC such as Air measuring instruments, Hydronic measuring instruments, Air particulate analyzing & measuring, Surface mounted water flow measuring instruments, also have combustion analyzer and electrical measuring instruments.
Since 2004 the TAB sector has accomplished many projects of Testing, Adjusting & Balancing of Environmental systems in government and private organizations.

Air Balancing
The basic Air Balancing can be defined as the method for establishing air flow and the process of testing and balancing of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC System) and related control system to perform the design intent and operate at an optimum level.
Air Balancing
The basic Air Balancing can be defined as the method for establishing air flow and the process of testing and balancing of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning (HVAC System) and related control system to perform the design intent and operate at an optimum level.
Hydronic Balancing
Hydronic Balancing requires a thorough understanding of the various measuring instruments; pump laws and energy balance calculations, hydronic components, proper application and installation of control devices. Test and Balance procedures are described to ensure hydronic systems are properly adjusted with cross checks, such as pump curves, pressure drop across components and flow measuring device.
Hydronic Balancing
Hydronic Balancing requires a thorough understanding of the various measuring instruments; pump laws and energy balance calculations, hydronic components, proper application and installation of control devices. Test and Balance procedures are described to ensure hydronic systems are properly adjusted with cross checks, such as pump curves, pressure drop across components and flow measuring device.
Sound Analysis / Vibration Analysis
In HVAC Industry most Sound and Noise is generated via rotating equipment and air fluid movement through duct and pipes. This movement creates vibration, sound or noise.
Sound Analysis / Vibration Analysis
In HVAC Industry most Sound and Noise is generated via rotating equipment and air fluid movement through duct and pipes. This movement creates vibration, sound or noise.
Reliability Test (Summer and Winter)
After successfully completion of TAB works a Reliability Test should be conducted in the peak summer or winter to verify the performance of HVAC equipment.
Reliability Test (Summer and Winter)
After successfully completion of TAB works a Reliability Test should be conducted in the peak summer or winter to verify the performance of HVAC equipment.
Duct Traverse Test
The primary measurement of airflow volume in HVAC system is performed by pitot tube traverse. All airflow measuring stations shall be verified by traverses. The final analysis of airflows should be accomplished by comparing the traverses with the sum of the air distribution.
Duct Traverse Test
The primary measurement of airflow volume in HVAC system is performed by pitot tube traverse. All airflow measuring stations shall be verified by traverses. The final analysis of airflows should be accomplished by comparing the traverses with the sum of the air distribution.
Fan Performance Test
Fan Performance and characteristic fan curve specify the elevation in fluid heat (pressure) and efficiency. These curves are used to compare various designs and help selection of appropriate design for the application.
Fan Performance Test
Fan Performance and characteristic fan curve specify the elevation in fluid heat (pressure) and efficiency. These curves are used to compare various designs and help selection of appropriate design for the application.
VAV's Performance Test
Variable Air Volume (VAV) is a type of heating, ventilating and/or air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Unlike Constant Air Volume (CAV) system, which supply a constant flow of a variable temperature, VAV system vary the air flow at the constant temperature.
VAV's Performance Test
Variable Air Volume (VAV) is a type of heating, ventilating and/or air-conditioning (HVAC) system. Unlike Constant Air Volume (CAV) system, which supply a constant flow of a variable temperature, VAV system vary the air flow at the constant temperature.
Air Devices Performance Test
Air Performance Test system is designed to test the performance of HVAC equipment. This system can test the air supply, cooling capacity and heating capacity. The inlet and outlet circulating air volume to test the dynamic performance of the air conditioners quickly and easily.
Air Devices Performance Test
Air Performance Test system is designed to test the performance of HVAC equipment. This system can test the air supply, cooling capacity and heating capacity. The inlet and outlet circulating air volume to test the dynamic performance of the air conditioners quickly and easily.
Duct Pressure Test
A duct leakage or pressure tester is a diagnostic tool designed to measure the air tightness of forced air heating, ventilating and air conditioning duct work. A duct pressure tester consists of a calibrated fan for measuring an airflow rate and a pressure sensing device to measure the pressure created by the fan flow.
Duct Pressure Test
A duct leakage or pressure tester is a diagnostic tool designed to measure the air tightness of forced air heating, ventilating and air conditioning duct work. A duct pressure tester consists of a calibrated fan for measuring an airflow rate and a pressure sensing device to measure the pressure created by the fan flow.
Pump Performance Test
Centrifugal Pumps are used in heating and air conditioning systems to produce fluid flow in piping. Pump Performance characteristic are presented in graphic curves or tabular form.
Pump Performance Test
Centrifugal Pumps are used in heating and air conditioning systems to produce fluid flow in piping. Pump Performance characteristic are presented in graphic curves or tabular form.
Heat Exchange Performance Test
A Heat Exchanger is a device that transfer thermal energy from one medium to another. Heat Exchanger only assist in the cooling and heating of houses and buildings but also help machine and engines work more efficiently.
Heat Exchange Performance Test
A Heat Exchanger is a device that transfer thermal energy from one medium to another. Heat Exchanger only assist in the cooling and heating of houses and buildings but also help machine and engines work more efficiently.
Balancing Valve Adjustments
Balancing Valves maintain flow conditions so that control valves may function properly, providing correct flows to heat transfer coils, which results in the correct output of energy to a space.
Balancing Valve Adjustments
Balancing Valves maintain flow conditions so that control valves may function properly, providing correct flows to heat transfer coils, which results in the correct output of energy to a space.
Cooling Tower Performance Test
Cooling Towers are evaporative coolers used for cooling water or other working medium to near ambient temperature cooling towers use evaporation of water to reject heat from the system. Its performance can be verified by checking the ambient temperature and entering and leaving wet bulb temperature.
Cooling Tower Performance Test
Cooling Towers are evaporative coolers used for cooling water or other working medium to near ambient temperature cooling towers use evaporation of water to reject heat from the system. Its performance can be verified by checking the ambient temperature and entering and leaving wet bulb temperature.
Chiller Performance Test
A Chiller that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor compressible or absorption refrigeration cycle. Chilled water is used to cool and the dehumidify air in mid to large size commercial industrial and institutional facilities, chilled water temperature can be range from 35-45 °F or 45-55 °F depending upon application requirement.
Chiller Performance Test
A Chiller that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor compressible or absorption refrigeration cycle. Chilled water is used to cool and the dehumidify air in mid to large size commercial industrial and institutional facilities, chilled water temperature can be range from 35-45 °F or 45-55 °F depending upon application requirement.
DX System Performance Test
DX System stand for direct expansion. A direct expanding air-conditioning unit cools indoor air using a condensed refrigerant liquid. This kind of systems have evaporator directly in contact with the supply air so it directly cools the air supplied to the occupants.
Chiller Performance Test
A Chiller that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor compressible or absorption refrigeration cycle. Chilled water is used to cool and the dehumidify air in mid to large size commercial industrial and institutional facilities, chilled water temperature can be range from 35-45 °F or 45-55 °F depending upon application requirement.
Air To Air Heat Recovery Performance Test
Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) also known as mechanical ventilation recovery, is an energy recovery ventilation system which work between two sources at different temperatures. Heat Recovery is a method which is increasingly used o reduced the heating and cooling demands of the building.
Air To Air Heat Recovery Performance Test
Heat Recovery Ventilation (HRV) also known as mechanical ventilation recovery, is an energy recovery ventilation system which work between two sources at different temperatures. Heat Recovery is a method which is increasingly used o reduced the heating and cooling demands of the building.
Boiler Performance Test
Building Pressure Test